A Congregational Letter to Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East United Churches
July 26th, 2020
My sermon this week, is entitled “The Kingdom of God is Like…”. It is based on the Gospel of Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52. It encompasses five short parables. Jesus loved to tell parables. In fact, the gospels attribute about fifty parables to Jesus. On many Sundays we read a single parable of Jesus; then we consider what it meant to his first century audience; and finally, we wrestle with its meaning for us today. As we listen to it, our hope is that, if we engage our minds and open our hearts to hearing God’s Word, we may glimpse a new insight, or be reminded of an important bit of wisdom.
Parables help us to question our current convictions, and prod us to see the world in a new light. Today, we listen in as Jesus offers us five short parables, which gives his audience, then and now, plenty to contemplate. Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God in several different ways. He says the kingdom is like a mustard seed; the kingdom is like yeast; the kingdom is like a buried treasure; the kingdom is like a valuable pearl; the kingdom is like a fishing net.
Jesus seems to have told these five brief parables, not to describe simply the essence of God’s kingdom, but to encourage our participation in it. He does not want us to be swept up the kingdoms of this world, and miss the one kingdom that is life-giving and everlasting. To that end, these parables are packaged together to confront us with a decision. Jesus helps us to understand that the kingdom of heaven is found in the ordinary and extraordinary circumstances in our everyday lives. It is all mixed in with everyday laughter and sorrow. That’s why he talks about heaven in terms of farmers and fields; and women baking bread; and merchants buying and selling things; and fishermen sorting fish. It is my hope this week, that we will keep our hearts, ears, and minds open to proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God each and every day.
Have a grand week filled with laughter, surprises, lots of family time, and rest that strengthens and refreshes. Remember that as we pray for one another every morning at 10:30, God grants us wisdom, love and peace to hold each other in infinite care.
Keep well and safe, and have a blessed week.
God’s Blessings,
Pastor Laura